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How Sandwich Massage Therapy is Different from Traditional Massage Therapy?

The effectiveness and benefits of massage therapies have been established for a long time. This type of therapy helps to relax, rejuvenate and restore the body in various ways. Sandwich massage therapy is a special type of massage that involves two therapists massaging the body of a person simultaneously, targeting multiple areas at once. Due to this reason, one can enjoy a more comprehensive massage experience. Take a look at the different ways how sandwich massage therapy differs from regular massage therapy experience.

Synchronized feeling

This is the main way how sandwich massage therapy differs from the traditional massage therapy experience and also from any other massage therapy out there. In a regular massage session, just one therapist works on one person. In sandwich massage, however, two therapists work on a person simultaneously. There is a synchronized movement of hands, which can provide clients with a harmonious experience. The sense of rejuvenation is higher for people who go for this type of therapy.

Gives more energy

Given the fact that two therapists work on a person, this kind of massage improves the flow of energy and circulation throughout the body. There is simultaneous application of finger strokes and firm pressure on the body, which can release stress and pent-up tension in a much better way. Within the body’s meridians, the flow of energy happens in the more efficient way. People who get massaged by sandwich therapists feel more energetic as a result.

More stimulation

As 4 sets of fingers work in tandem with each other, there is more stimulation for the senses of people who get massaged. The recipient experiences dual sensory stimulation when he undergoes sandwich massage in a spa with expert masseurs who have proper knowledge of how to conduct the process. When the fingers work in a synchronized manner, there is multi-sensory experience – which offers much more relaxation. The sensory experience gets a boost in this way.

Relaxation for more time

The benefits of a traditional massage experience generally last for a specific time period. However, the pleasure is extended in case of sandwich massage therapy. When two therapists are involved in the process, the sensory stimulation and relaxation go on for a more extended period. Recipients can feel more relaxed and rejuvenated for a much longer duration.

Balanced application of pressure

During sandwich massage therapy, there is balanced application of pressure. When the pressure is distributed uniformly across the body, due to the harmonious massaging of dual therapists, it can prevent a sense of imbalance or discomfort for recipients. All areas of the body can get equal amount of attention, which can enhance satisfaction and make the overall experience more satisfying for people who undergo this therapy.

You can clearly understand how sandwich massage therapy differs from traditional massage experience. Undoubtedly, it has more benefits for the mind and body. But you must choose expert therapists with enough knowledge of how to conduct the process in a proper way, so as to make the most of your sessions.

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